Monday, April 14, 2008

More Mochaware, and now on Ebay!

Hi Everybody,

Thanks for your patience over the past week while I've been busy in the studio. I'm back on track with posting here everyday.

Here are a few pictures of recent work that came out of the latest kiln firing.

A tri-colored slip-decorated bowl, with light brown, dark brown, and sky blue slips mixed together in an interesting pattern. Sorry about the glare in this picture I didn't have the time to play around with lighting today.
Mochaware decorated vase or spoon holder. Four really nice seaweed decorations, and what I think is nice banding on the shoulder of the vase, alternating between black, yellow and red color. I'd really like to further experiment with the banding on my pottery; banding is prevalent in Period examples.
My pottery is now for sale on Ebay! Just go to, and search for Mochaware. I have a really nice vase for sale there now.

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